Thursday, December 9, 2010

Final Magazine

For some reason I was stuck on green on this spread. I really like the flow of the spread and the layout. However, there are going to be some things I change to it. I'm going to change the green to a yellow. I also am going add one of the eggs to the corners and enlarge it so it runs off the eggs on the right side page. I think that will give it what it's missing.

I really liked this spread especially the title. I liked how that turned our. I think it flows well and makes you want to read the article.

The contents page was my favorite page that I did. I really enjoyed the way that it all came together.

I really liked the way that my cover turned out. I couldn't think of anything that I really wanted to change.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


I really like the looks of the pictures of the eggs. and the simpleness of the contents page. I do have a lot more work to do.

Spread 2

I really wanted to keep some open space in my magazine so it didn't feel over crowded. I liked the idea of putting the heart monitor on the page so it correlated better with health trends and not just food. I'm going to put my infogram on the right side in the empty space

Spread 1

The problem I'm having with this spread is mainly the colors. I don't want it to be the primary colors, but I also would like it all to go together. I also need to work on the title of the article. It doesn't stand out enough yet. I also want to add some quotations into the article to break it up a bit.

Magazine Cover

This is the beginnings of my magazine cover. I spent the weekend making lots of eggs to make this huge pile of eggs. Overall I think my pictures turned out ok. I was able to capture kind of what I was thinking in my head for the article.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

This is my final printout for this project. I really like the way it turned out. On all the original To Kill A Mockingbird book covers they always had a cartoonish tree and mockingbird. I really wanted to take it the completely opposite way and present something really graphic and unexpected. I feel like I did achieve that and I am very happy with the way I made it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

This is my printout for the critique. I spent most my time this week and the front cover and right flap. I really like how they turned out, but there still much fine tuning I need to do. It has been really fun to play around with photoshops tools and the different textures and illusions you can create. The back cover needs a lot of work, but I have a good idea where I want to go with it. I maybe want to get a different picture so the watch is more prominent and then burn the rest the tree around it. I want the summery to be on the left flap. The only thing I'm really unsure of is how to get a cohesive text to go with the mood of the book.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


This is a layout I played around with. It needs a lot of work, but it was good to finally start working in photoshop. I still need to work with the typography, but I have a good idea where I want to go with it.

sketches and ideas

I started to think of some ideas for a book cover and the one that I thought would be most interesting would be To Kill a Mockingbird. I read it a long time ago, but I remember the storyline being really intriguing. All the original covers include a tree of some sort, and I liked the idea. However, I really wanted to come up with something original. SoI have some trees with some of the objects the main characters find in the tree. I also really liked the idea of a the guy who dies having a leaf over his mouth representing that he's dying with the truth.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Final Pictograms

I like the way that my pictograms turned out. I decided to try and add some color by incorporating it into the plates. Once they were printed out the colors were a lot darker and the fish and magenta blended in a lot. I added some scales to the fish which I thought was added to it a lot. I also added some dots on the chicken for some texture as well. Overall I think they turned out quite well.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

This is my printout for my icons. I think I spent the most time on the ham icon and it's my strongest one. I need to add some details to the fish and chicken. Also I need some definitions with the fish and chicken so they pop out more. I think they turned out really well I just need to fix them up a bit.
My roughs look really similar to my sketches, but I was able to come to one idea. I decided to do the meat, because they have more of a clear use for the icons.

Thursday, September 9, 2010


Making this collage was a really good for me. It helped to get me comfortable with illustrator more, and helped me to be a little more confident with the program as well. Overall I think it turned out great!

Thumbnails - Project 1

I had a really hard time trying to think of symbols that haven't been done before. I was trying to think of things that would be fun to create. After looking them over I need to focus more on incorporating a use for the symbols I create. That's what I'm going to be working on for the rough drafts.