We got into Rome yesterday, but we finally got to see some of the big stuff today. Rome is definitely one of my all time favorite cities. There is so much to see! We started the day by going to see the Roman ruins and Colosseum. Wow..... it's so amazing to see how old Rome really is. I could have spent all day at the ruins it was so interesting and the colosseum is so incredible too. I was not disappointed the least I can say.
Pictures really don't do them justice, but I couldn't help but try and capture the moment. Luckily the sun was hiding for most of the day which was really nice since we were outside all day. We still got tired after the Colosseum and decided to go have our own siesta before we cam back out at night. After a nap we went to go see the Trevi fountain at night. I wasn't expecting for it to be so big and majestic! We went around 10 pm and it was so packed! I really loved it, and yes I did through a coin in :) Tomorrow we go see the Vatican :)

waiting outside the Colosseum... so hot!

Temple ruins

Saturn temple ruins

more temple ruins

me and Roman ruins (it was really bright)

Roman statue remains

Large roman field of remains

different angle

entry way to St. Peter's church a short stop we made on our way to the ruins it had some famous artwork and chains inside

Moses statue by Michelangelo in St. Peter's church

Me and the colosseum

me and the temple of Saturn

me and a random fish pond in the ruins


the colosseum different view

the chains St. Peter wore (in St.Peter's church)